RELI 320 - Studies in Sacred TextsSemester Offered: Spring 1 unit(s) (Same as JWST 320 ) Examination of selected themes and texts in sacred literature.
May be taken more than once when content changes.
Topic for 2014/15b: Enslavement and Liberation: The Book of Exodus. The Book of Exodus is one of the most fascinating and challenging books of the Bible—replete with psychological tension, narrative drama and compelling characterizations. We explore the text in multiple translations, along with commentaries—both traditional and contemporary—of Jewish, Christian and Muslim authors, artists, and adaptors, ranging from the literary and the poetic, to the historical and political, and the mystical and artistic. The use of Exodus as a metaphor in liberation movements, as well as its evocation in liturgy—both the Passover Seder and the rite of the Eucharist—for example, also is explored. Mr. Epstein.
Prerequisites: one 100- or 200-level religion course, or permission of the instructor.
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