JWST 320 - Studies in Sacred TextsSemester Offered: Spring 1 unit(s) (Same as RELI 320 ) Examination of selected themes and texts in sacred literature.
May be taken more than once when content changes.
Topic for 2014/15b: Enslavement and Liberation: The Book of Exodus. The Book of Exodus is one of the most fascinating and challenging books of the Bible-replete with psychological tension, narrative drama and compelling characterizations. We explore the text in multiple translations, along with commentaries-both traditional and contemporary-of Jewish, Christian and Muslim authors, artists, and adaptors, ranging from the literary and the poetic, to the historical and political, and the mystical and artistic. The use of Exodus as a metaphor in liberation movements, as well as its evocation in liturgy-both the Passover Seder and the rite of the Eucharist-for example, also is explored. Mr. Epstein.
Prerequisites: one 100- or 200-level religion course, or permission of the instructor.
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