Catalogue 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Economics Department
Chair: Paul Ruud;
Professors: Catharine Hill (and President), Geoffrey A. Jehle, Paul Johnsona, Shirley B. Johnson-Lansb, David A. Kennett, Paul Ruud;
Associate Professor: Robert Rebelein;
Assistant Professors: Sukanya Basu, Benjamin Hob, Ergys Islamaj, Patricia Jones, Sarah Pearlman, Nelson Sáa, Evsen Turkay Pillai;
Visiting Instructor: Qi Ge;
Adjunct Instructor: Frederick Van Tassell;
a On leave 2013/14, first semester
b On leave 2013/14, second semester
Advisers: The department.
Correlate Sequence in Economics
The economics department offers correlate sequences which designate coherent groups of courses intended to complement the curricula of students majoring in other departmental, interdepartmental, and multidisciplinary programs. Three areas of concentration are currently available for students pursuing a correlate sequence in economics:
International Economics coordinated by Mr. Kennett.
Public Policy coordinated by Mr. Rebelein.
Quantitative Economics coordinated by Mr. Ruud.
Courses within each area should be chosen in consultation with the coordinator of that sequence.
Economics: I. Introductory
Economics: II. Intermediate
Economics: III. Advanced