Mar 03, 2025
Catalogue 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Earth Science Major
Requirements for Concentration:
11 units including ESCI 151 , ESCI 201 , and ESCI 203 , 2 units of graded work at the 300-level, and not more than 1 additional unit at the 100-level. With consent of the student’s adviser, students may substitute one 200- or 300-level course in biology, chemistry, mathematics, or physics for 200-level work in earth science. Students may not count toward the major more than 2 courses originating in geography and cross-listed with earth science (even numbered courses at the 200 and 300-level). No more than 1 unit of field work may count toward the major. After declaration of the major, no required courses may be elected NRO. Senior-Year Requirement:
One graded 300-level course. Independent Research:
The earth science program encourages students to engage in ungraded independent research with faculty mentors and offers ungraded courses ESCI 198 , ESCI 298 , and ESCI 399 . The department also offers ESCI 300 -ESCI 301 , an ungraded research experience for senior majors. Students who complete ESCI 300 -ESCI 301 are eligible for departmental honors upon graduation. Students should consult the chair or individual faculty members for guidance in initiating independent research. Field Work:
Many graduate programs in earth science expect that earth science majors will have attended a geology summer field camp for which students can receive field work credit in the department. Students should consult with the chair of earth science about summer field camps. Additional fieldwork options include working with local environmental consulting companies and non-profit agencies. Students should consult an earth science faculty adviser for details. Teaching Certification:
Students who wish to obtain secondary school teaching certification in earth science should consult both the earth science and education departments for appropriate course requirements. Early Advising
Knowledge of earth science is useful in a variety of careers. Therefore, we urge potential majors to consult with a faculty member in earth science as soon as possible to determine a course of study that reflects the interests and aspirations of the student. The earth science program also offers courses at the 100-level designed for students who may not intend to pursue earth science at more advanced levels. These courses are appropriate for students curious about the earth and its life, especially those with concerns about environmental degradation and its impact on people living in both urban and rural settings. Postgraduate Work
Students interested in graduate study in earth or environmental science should be aware that graduate and professional schools usually require courses beyond the earth science concentration requirements. In general, students should have a year of biology, chemistry, physics and/or calculus, depending on the field of interest. Appropriate courses include BIOL 105 and BIOL 106 ; CHEM 108 /CHEM 109 or CHEM 125 ; PHYS 113 and PHYS 114 ; and MATH 101 and MATH 102 or MATH 121 /MATH 122. We urge students to begin coursework in other sciences as soon as possible, since this assists them in successful completion of the earth science major. |