Feb 15, 2025  
Catalogue 2024-2025 
Catalogue 2024-2025
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MUSI 126 - Our Bodies, Our Selves, Our World: Improving Your Sense of Self Through the Awareness Through Movement

Semester Offered: Fall
0.5 unit(s)
(Same as DRAM 126 )  Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984) is widely considered to be a pioneer in the field of neuroplasticity.  Working initially with individuals with neurological challenges such as cerebral palsy and grave injuries, Feldenkrais developed more than 1500 group lessons in Awareness Through Movement which can be helpful to anyone of any capacity.  Each class will teach one of these lessons, which deepen our sensitivity, thoughts and feelings of ourselves and the environment, producing an enhanced way of being and improved abilities in performance and interaction.  Senior Lecturer in Music Drew Minter is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner.  The class is open to all students (no previous experience required).  Maximum of 20 students. Drew Minter.

Corequisite(s): Students must be currently enrolled in music lessons or a performing ensemble.

First six-week course.

Two 75-minute periods.

Course Format: CLS

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