Jan 23, 2025
WFQS 384 - Poetics of Possession: Hinduism, Literature, and Gender Semester Offered: Spring 1 unit(s) (Same as ASIA 384 and RELI 384 ) Literature is prime territory for thinking about gender in Hindu traditions as an expansive, contested, interrogative category. Given that gender is often understood to exhibit deep dimensions of performance and affect—not to mention the idea of its being more social construction than ontological truth—perhaps it is no surprise that when it comes to Hinduism, we find some of the most intricate, profound reflections on gender in sources that are highly aware of the social and emotional realities of human life: epics, narratives, poems, and performance genres. Inspired by Mrinalini Sinha’s challenge to “distinguish between merely exporting gender as an analytical category to different parts of the world and rethinking the category itself in light of those different locations,” (2012) this course asks how works of Hindu literature develop and convey their own theories of gender and sexuality. What tensions do they explore? Where do they seem to prescribe, and where do they seem to question? How do the specifics of literary forms and Hindu practices allow them to do that? The course is organized thematically, with students exploring early, medieval, and contemporary sources in each unit. Themes include: impersonation and performance; ritual possession; devotional voices; masculinity when threatening and masculinity when threatened; epic heroines (Sītā, Draupadī); and stories of gender transformation and affirmation. Nell Hawley.
One 2-hour period.
Course Format: CLS
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