CMPU 280 - Intermediate Data Science Semester Offered: Spring 1 unit(s) (Same as MATH 280 ) This course develops additional core skills in data science, with a key focus on machine learning and with a wide array of applications in different fields. It emphasizes computation over statistics, although the statistical intuition is still covered. Topics covered may include regression, clustering, classification, supervised and unsupervised machine learning, and non-standard data objects such as text data and network data. The course uses both Python and R and covers version control using Git.
A weekly laboratory period provides guided hands-on experience. Marc Smith.
Prerequisite(s): CMPU 144 or MATH 144 ; CMPU 101 and either MATH 141 or MATH 240 ; or permission of the instructor.
Two 75-minute periods and one 2-hour lab.
Course Format: CLS
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