LALS 387 - Latin American Seminar Semester Offered: Fall and Spring 1 unit(s) (Same as HISP 387 ) A seminar offering in-depth study of topics related to the literary and cultural history of Latin America. This course may be repeated for credit when the topic changes.
Topic for 2018/19a: New Argentine Cinema. The seminar follows the appearance and development of the Argentine New Wave, from the mid-1990s to the present. These films have initiated a new direction in Argentine and Latin American film, as they try to find new narrative forms that symbolically articulate and transform the radical crises–cultural, national and economic–that neoliberalism and its aftermath brought to the Argentine landscape. In the process, new voices, ethnic communities, sexualities and social sensibilities emerge, questioning established ways of thinking and looking at the nation and its uneasy fragments. The emerging result has been a boom in production that publics and film festivals worldwide have recognized through accolade, prizes, worldwide distribution and critical praise. Films by auteurs such as Adrián Caetano, Martín Rejtman, Pablo Trapero, and Lucrecia Martel are discussed, bearing on themes such as the circulation of bodies and labor, nation, migration and globalization, memory and subjectivity, the eye vs. the gaze, the spheres and politics of social space, and the political unconscious of melodrama and allegory within the context of subalternity and the Third World. In Spanish. Mario Cesareo.
Topic for 2018/19b: Far Away and so close: Hispano-African and Transatlantic (Pen)Insular Literature”. Through the study of a wide range of literary texts and cultural materials such as poems, films, journals, travelogues and the press, this course helps us understand the complex configuration of 20th century Transatlantic Spanish Peninsular and Insular Literature, and Hispano-African Equatoguinean Literature in Spanish. With an Atlantic and postcolonial approach, against a continental viewpoint, course materials are questioned from a wider geopolitical framework that includes Latin America, Africa and Europe. Among the issues that are discussed are colonial power, Spanish-African imaginaries in Ceuta, Melilla and Morocco, definitions of Spanish national and peripheral identities, and Orientalism/Occidentalism. Thenesoya Martín De la Nuez.
Prerequisite(s): HISP 216 and one course above 216.
One 2-hour period.
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