Jan 05, 2025  
Catalogue 2017-2018 
Catalogue 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ASIA 236 - The Making of Modern East Asia: Empires and Transnational Interactions

1 unit(s)
(Same as GEOG 236 ) East Asia–the homeland of the oldest continuous civilization of the world–is now the most dynamic center in the world economy and an emerging power in global politics. Central to the global expansion of trade, production, and cultural exchange through the span of several millennia, the East Asian region provides a critical lens for us to understand the origin, transformation and future development of the global system. This course provides a multidisciplinary understanding of the common and contrasting experiences of East Asian countries as each struggled to come to terms with the western dominated expansion of global capitalism and the modernization process. The course incorporates a significant amount of visual imagery such as traditional painting and contemporary film, in addition to literature. Professors from Art History, Film, Chinese and Japanese literature and history will give guest lecture in the course, on special topics such as ancient Chinese and Japanese arts, East Asia intellectual history, Japanese war literature, post war American hegemony, and vampire films in Southeast Asia. Together, they illustrate the diverse and complex struggles of different parts of East Asia to construct their own modernities. Yu Zhou.

Prerequisite(s): at least one 100-level course in Geography or Asian Studies.

Not offered in 2017/18.

Two 75-minute periods.

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