Jan 23, 2025  
Catalogue 2022-2023 
Catalogue 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Biology Department

Chair: Margaret Ronsheim;

Professors: Kelli A. Duncan, John H. Long, Jr., Nancy Jo Pokrywka, Margaret Ronsheim, Kathleen M. Susmanab;

Associate Professors: Lynn Christenson,  David Justin Estebana, Megan D. Gall, Jennifer Kennell, Jodi Schwarza, J. William Straus, Justin Touchon;

Assistant Professors: Colin Echeverría Aitken, Leroy Cooper, Myra Hughey, Dianne Pater;

Lecturers: Katelyn Butler, Mary Ellen Czesak;

Adjunct Assistant Professors: Jean-Nicolas Audet, Timothy Lampasona.

On leave 2022/23, first semester

On leave 2022/23, second semester

ab On leave 2022/23

Early Advising: Those students considering a concentration in biology should consult a departmental adviser early in their first year to discuss appropriate course sequences. After declaration of the major, no NRO work is permissible in the major.

Postgraduate Work: Students considering graduate school or other professional schools should be aware that such schools usually require courses beyond the minimum biology major requirements. In general, students should have at least a full year of organic chemistry, a year of physics, computer science, statistics and calculus. Students are urged to begin their chemistry and other correlated sciences coursework as soon as possible, since this will assist them in successful completion of the biology major. Students should consult with the chair of biology or the pre-medical adviser at their earliest opportunity.

Further Information: For additional information on research opportunities, honors requirements, etc., please see the biology department. http://biology.vassar.edu/

Advisers: Any of the faculty members of the Biology Department can serve as Major Advisors. Students who have a preference for a particular faculty adviser may ask that individual whether s/he would be willing to serve as adviser. Students who have no preference should make an appointment to see the Chair of the Department to be assigned an adviser.



Correlate Sequences in Biology


Biology: I. Introductory

Biology: II. Intermediate

Biology: III. Advanced

Two units of 200-level biology are prerequisites for entry into 300-level courses; see each course for specific courses required or exceptions.