Catalogue 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
International Studies Program
Director: Timothy Koechlin;
Steering Committee: Mark W. Andrewsb (French and Francophone Studies), Pinar Batur (Sociology), Christopher Bjork (Education), Robert K. Brigham (History), Patricia-Pia Célérier (French and Francophone Studies), Andrew Davison (Political Science), Wenwei Dub (Chinese and Japanese), Maria Hantzopoulosa (Education), Katherine Hite (Political Science), Martha Kaplanab (Anthropology), David A. Kennett (Economics), Timothy Koechlin (International Studies), Candice M. Lowe Swift (Anthropology), Zachariah Cherian Mampilly (Political Science), Himadeep Muppidi (Political Science), Leslie Scott Offuttb (History), Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert (Hispanic Studies), Thomas Parkera (French and Francophone Studies), Michaela Pohl (History), Ismail O. D. Rashid (History), Stephen R. Rocka (Political Science), Jeffrey Schneider (German Studies), Elliott Schreiber (German Studies), Joshua Schreierab (History), Fubing Su (Political Science), Vinay Swamy (French and Francophone Studies), David Tavárez (Anthropology), Silke von der Emdeab (German Studies), Eva Woods Peiro (Hispanic Studies), Yu Zhou (Earth Science and Geography);
Participating Faculty: Mark W. Andrewsb (French and Francophone Studies), Pinar Batur (Sociology), Christopher Bjork (Education), Robert K. Brigham (History), Patricia-Pia Célérier (French and Francophone Studies), Andrew Davison (Political Science), Wenwei Dub (Chinese and Japanese), Katherine Hite (Political Science), Martha Kaplanab (Anthropology), David A. Kennett (Economics), Timothy Koechlin (International Studies), Candice M. Lowe Swift (Anthropology), Zachariah Cherian Mampilly (Political Science), Himadeep Muppidi (Political Science), Leslie Scott Offuttb (History), Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert (Hispanic Studies), Michaela Pohl (History), Ismail O. D. Rashid (History), Stephen R. Rocka (Political Science), Jeffrey Schneider (German Studies), Elliott Schreiber (German Studies), Joshua Schreierab (History), Fubing Su (Political Science), Vinay Swamy (French and Francophone Studies), David Tavárez (Anthropology), Silke von der Emdeab (German Studies), Eva Woods Peiro (Hispanic Studies), Yu Zhou (Earth Science and Geography);
a On leave 2014/15, first semester
b On leave 2014/15, second semester
ab On leave 2014/15
The multidisciplinary program in International Studies is designed to provide a solid and systematic grounding in the study of global interdependence while allowing students to develop strengths in at least two traditional departmental disciplines. A student’s course of study for the major is designed in close consultation with the director and the Panel of Advisers. The objectives are to build a core of knowledge in the international social sciences and develop fluency in at least one language, while ensuring a multidisciplinary perspective by encouraging students to approach international issues from the viewpoints that interest them most. Consequently, approved programs of study may include upper-level work in the sciences, humanities, literature and arts as well as the social sciences and languages. In general, the advising process should be initiated early in the sophomore year, especially if a student is interested in study abroad in the first semester of the junior year. Additional information on the registration process is available from the program office.
International Studies: I. Introductory
International Studies: II. Intermediate
International Studies: III. Advanced